[1] M. Montanucci, M. Timpanella and G. Zini, AG codes and AG quantum codes from cyclic extensions of the Suzuki and Ree curves, Journal of Geometry vol. 109, 23 (2018).
[2] M. Giulietti, G. Korchmàros and M. Timpanella, On the Dickson-Guralnick-Zieve curve, Journal of Number Theory vol. 196, 114-138 (2019).
[3] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, On a generalization of planar functions, M. J. Algebr. Comb., vol. 52, 187-213 (2020).
[4] G. Korchmàros, G. P. Nagy and M. Timpanella, Codes and gap sequences of Hermitian curves, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 66, 3547-3554 (2020).
[5] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, A family of planar binomials in characteristic 2, Finite Fields and Their Applications vol. 63, 101651 (2020).
[6] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, A family of permutation trinomials in $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$, Finite Fields and Their Applications vol. 70, 101781 (2021).
[7] G. Korchmàros, S. Lia and M. Timpanella, Curves with more than one inner Galois point, Journal of Algebra vol. 566, 374-404 (2021).
[8] S. Lia and M. Timpanella, Bound on the order of the decomposition groups of an algebraic curve in positive characteristic, Finite Fields and Their Applications vol. 69, 101771 (2021).
[9] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, On trinomials of type $X^{n+m}(1 + AX^{m(q-1)} + BX^{n(q-1)})$, n,m odd, over $\mathbb{F}_{q^2}$, $q=2^{2s+1}$, Finite Fields and Their Applications, vol. 72, 101816 (2021).
[10] D. Bartoli, M. Bonini and M. Timpanella, On the weight distribution of some minimal codes, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, vol. 89, 471-487 (2021).
[11] S. Lia and M. Timpanella, AG codes from $\mathbb{F}_{q^7}$-rational points of the GK curve, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, (2021).
[12] M. Bonini, S. Lia and M. Timpanella, Minimal linear codes from Hermitian varieties and quadrics, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, (2021).
[13] D. Bartoli, M. Giulietti and M. Timpanella, 2-1 functions from Galois extensions, Discrete Applied Mathematics, vol. 309, 194-201 (2022).
[14] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, On a conjecture on APN permutations, Cryptography and Communications, vol. 14, 925-931 (2022).
[15] D. Bartoli, M. Calderini and M. Timpanella, Exceptional crooked functions, Finite Fields and Their Applications, vol. 84, 102109 (2022).
[16] M. Giulietti, A. Sabatini and M. Timpanella, PIR codes from combinatorial structures, Arithmetic of Finite Fields, WAIFI 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13638. Springer, Cham (2023).
[17] M. Timpanella and G. Zini, On a family of linear MRD codes with parameters $[8\times8,16,7]_q$, Designs, Codes and Cryptography, (2023).
[18] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, Investigating perfect nonlinear rational functions, Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata, (2023).
[19] D. Bartoli, M. Bonini and M. Timpanella, Minimal codewords in Norm-Trace codes, Aequationes mathematicae (2023).
[20] M. Timpanella, On AG codes from a generalization of the Deligne-Lustzig curve of Suzuki type, Journal of Mathematical Cryptology (2024).
[21] L. Landi, M. Timpanella and L. Vicino, Two-point AG codes from one of the Skabelund maximal curves, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2024).
[22] A. Iezzi, M. Q. Kawakita and M. Timpanella, New sextics of genus 6 and 10 attaining the Serre bound, Advances in Geometry (2024).
[23] D. Bartoli, G. Longobardi, G. Marino and M. Timpanella, Scattered trinomials of $\mathbb{F}_{q^6}[X]$ in even characteristic, Finite Fields and Their Applications, vol. 97, 102449 (2024).
[24] G. Korchmàros, S. Lia and M. Timpanella, A generalization of Bring's curve in any characteristic, sottomesso (arXiv).
[25] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, Complete $(q+1)$-arcs in $\mathrm{PG}(2,\mathbb{F}_{q^6})$ from the Hermitian curve, sottomesso (arXiv).
[26] D. Bartoli and M. Timpanella, Further results on a family of bent functions from permutations, sottomesso.
[27] A. Dionigi, M. Giulietti and M. Timpanella, Algebraic curves with a large cyclic automorphism group, sottomesso (arXiv).
In preparazione
[28] M. Giulietti, G. Korchmàros, S. Lia and M. Timpanella, Automorphism groups of algebraic curves and p-ranks.
[29] D. Bartoli, N. Durante, G.G. Grimaldi and M. Timpanella, Ovoids of $Q^+(7,q)$ of low-degree.
[30] A. Giannoni, G.G. Grimaldi, G. Longobardi and M. Timpanella, Characterizing a family of scattered quadrinomials.